In this review of the bitcoincode, we have given proof to show that bitcoin Code is indeed a scam. It has nothing to do with cryptocurrency, its just a facade. We advise our readers to go through our review before signing up with this software.

bitcoin code review

owner of bitcoin code

Steve mckay is the alleged creator of this software. He claims he formerly worked for a firm in Wall street before creating this software but would not like to disclose the name of the firm. Why? its simple..because he is not who he clams to be, this stories are all fabricated. See picture below.

Bitcoin Code Scam Strategy Exposed

It is no longer a new trick for scammers to decide not to reveal their true indentity that is why they choose to hire people to cover up for them. We could not find any information about the man called steve mckay. As a matter of fact the picture of him is a stockphoto from the internet.

bitcoin code steve mckay

How then can we believe the bitcoin code story?

he claims that the software is capable of making a profit of $13,000 for its users every day. This is certainly too difficult to achieve and not obtainable by any binary options software(which it actually is), so these scammers are just bloody liars.

He also claims that the software never loses a single trade but in reality, this software never wins.

Futhermore, the software was only released last month yet these scammers displayed a trade carried out by the software last year. How possible is that? When the software had not been in existence then. This goes a long way to tell you why you should not believe any promises made by these scammers.

They like other scammers, gave out false  testimonials using hired actors and stock photos representing their alleged users.

bitcoin code scam testimonial

these testimonials are aimed at making people think that they can actually make real profit from this software. Which is just set-up.

Their major target is that as soon as you register and make the required deposit to the brokers account they refer to you in order to enable the software to start trading for you, these scammers are given their own share for referring you to their unregulated brokers. You are now left with nothing and no hope for a refund since these brokers are not regulated. P.S Only deposit to trade with a trusted system.

Review Verdict

Bitcoin Code is a SCAM

Visit Trusted System


Avoid bitcoin code. It is a huge scam. It has nothing good to offer instead you will end up losing all the money you worked hard for.

Trading binary options could be very profitable, only if you use legitimate softwares and tools. Run away from scams, they will lose your investments and leave you devastated. Only use systems recommended by our team of professionals. 

Thanks for reading our review of bitcoin code software. Stay safe! Fight scammers

By admin

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