Miracle Watt Electricity Reviews: Miracle Watt does not save electricity or reduce your power bill. Read this to know why Miracle Watt Energy Saver is a hoax.

What Is Miraclewatt?

Miracle Watt claims to be “The Most Innovative Electricity Management Device on the Planet”. The gadget has been trending on the internet for months now, and the major reason for that is this: They offer to filter dirty electricity from your home and save you up to 90% of your light bill.

As written on their website, “MiracleWatt provides your home with a smooth, stable electrical current that leads to an increase in efficiency, and reduction in dirty electricity.”

Miracle Watt Homepage

How Much Does Miracle Watt Cost?

The device is sold at $59, which is so because of the 54% discount off the original $118 price.

In addition to its cheap price, Miracle Watt Energy Saver offers a 90-day money back guarantee, plus free shipping within the US. But should you buy Miracle Watt Device?

Miracle Watt Device Review: What You Should Know!

Some electronic devices like your TVs, microwave, chargers, etc., consume electricity when they are turned off but still plugged in. The wasted energy could constitute up to 10% of your electricity bill. This wasted energy Miracle Watt refers to as dirty electricity, which they claim to filter with their energy saver device.

However, there are more direct and reliable ways to save energy in your home:

  • unplug unused devices
  • use electronic appliances with low energy consumption rate (e.g. LED bulbs)
  • regulate the use of your appliances, like turning devices off when not in use or using devices with smart energy meters for auto-regulation

Consumer Reviews

A few Miracle Watt consumer reviews we found reports that the energy saver gadget did work for them, that it reduced their cost of electricity bill. Who doesn’t want a lesser electricity bill, especially considering how expensive it has become? But those reviews are fake.

The people behind Miracle Watt could be responsible for such reports. And some of the favorable reviews on the device were probably written by affiliate marketers who are trying to get paid. Don’t believe their lies.

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What We Found About miraclewatt.com!

Miracle Watt claims that the moment you plug in the device, the green bar will light, showing that the device is working, and the dirty electricity is being filtered. This, however, is deceitful. Quite alright, the green bar will light once you plug in the device, but don’t be deceived to believe that any dirty electricity is being filtered.

When an electrical engineer disassembled the device, he noticed there was no filtering of dirty electricity going on within. The capacitor, which was supposed to be responsible for this filtration, had both its leads soldered to one point on the circuit board, making it do nothing in particular.

For filtration to work, the capacitor needed to be across the A.C. line, but it wasn’t. The only thing the board could do was light up the green bar, giving the user an illusion of functionality.

For an in-depth understanding of how power savers work, read this.


Miraclewatt is not a reliable energy saver, and, therefore, not recommended for use. If you buy it, you stand the risk of losing your money but getting no value for it in return.

For a few tips on more ways to save energy in your home do read this.

If you’ve used this energy saver, or attempted to do so, kindly share your experience with us in the comment section.

By Zino

2 thoughts on “Miracle Watt Reviews: Does Miracle Watt Save Electricity? [NEW]”
  1. I bought the Miraclewatt energy saver device in January 2021. I didn’t see any real savings the first couple months. Then about the third month I started to see results. My electric bill was between 200.00 to 325.00 a month depending on whether we used heat or air. Everything in my house is electric. The third month my electric bill dropped to 175.00. Then the fourth month it dropped to 124.00 and has been below 150.00 ever since. We have 4 people showering and about 5 loads of clothes to was and dry a week plus cooking. We keep the air about 75. I live in Tennessee and we switch from heat to air about the end of April. This is August and my electric bill was only 130.00 for the month. I love the Miraclewatt energy saver device. All I can say is it worked for me. Thank you Miraclewatt

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